Hop on over to The Fairytale Nerd for something fun and fairy every day in October. There will be guest posts, interviews, and even swag giveaways. Don't miss it! You might even see me over there. ;)
A few words from JoAnne of The Fairytale Nerd
I cannot believe tomorrow is the start of October already. It feels like it was only yesterday when I was planning the 31 Days event. But now, it's here, and you guys are in for a fairy treat!
31 Days of Fairy will be a month long event, and I hope you join us in celebrating books about fairies. Looking back when I was hunting for fairy books, I realized that they are not as common as vamps and shifters. Hard to find, that's what fae books are... so more reason for us to have a ball this October.
For this event, my posts will be mostly about fairies. This means that the memes, the reviews, the interviews, guest posts, and of course giveaways will have something to do about fairy book, fairy movies, fairy art... You get the picture.
Anyway, I have created a homepage in my blog especially for this event. You can visit it HERE anytime you want to check out the schedule, giveaways, and posts related to the event. I will also put it up on the sidebar of the blog for an easier access.
For one of the giveaways, I will be trying something new - The Top Commenter Giveaway.